Sunday, November 30, 2008

She's back

yes she's back!!!


my other quarter :)

Noralisa Zubir
im happy. happy sesangat
even though i have 9 to 5 work, and sometimes we dont talk
but we know we love each other that no one can tear us apart (minus the usual catfights!)

Friday, November 28, 2008

Coach on Sale

Yes, believe it or not people!
COACH is on SALE...
... and i cancelled my plans to KL

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Mehnah kepada Mawaddah dan Rahmah

In this entry I am not trying to preach and be someone I am not. Who am I to speak about religious matters? All I am is a Muslim whom is surrounded by wrongdoings and lack of Iman. However, that should not stop me from educating myself from religious matters, as one should move forward to make oneself a better Muslim. I will not disagree that we’re bound to commit sins every now and then, but the Almighty persuades us to be educated through Al-Quran and to educate others too. So here I am, sharing an article taken from, which I found in Hanna’s blog.

Therefore, i hope all my friends and fellow Muslims, fathers and mothers, husbands and wifes, future brides and grooms to read this entry with an open heart. May you b inspired as i am.

Thank you Hanna for sharing such interesting sites and thank you to Ustaz Abu Saif for opening my eyes and mind to the greatness of beautiful Islam.

Mehnah Kepada Mawaddah dan Rahmah

Seperkara yang harus disedari oleh para suami, talak dan poligami bukannya HAK milik mereka, tetapi TANGGUNGJAWAB untuk ia diuruskan sebaik mungkin.

Tatkalau suami membayangkan bahawa talak atau poligami itu adalah HAK dan bukannya AMANAH yang diberikan Allah atas kurniaan jati dirinya sebagai lelaki, suami itu membelakangkan Allah dan mendustakan-Nya dengan memutuskan kaitan talak dan poligami itu dengan Allah.

Tatkala seorang suami berkenalan dengan cinta kedua, isteri yang sedia ada sering kelihatan buruk celanya. Serba serbi tidak kena. Cinta kedua itulah ‘penemuan sejati’ yang terlewat tapi belum terlambat.

Suami terlupa bahawa hubungannya dengan isteri pertama banyak dibelenggu oleh tekanan dan bebanan. Ia datang dari tanggungjawab yang sudah terpikul di atas bahu mereka berdua. Anak-anak, harta benda, kewangan dan pelbagai lagi. Semua itu menjadi sumber tekanan, dan mustahil hubungan nampak indah dalam keadaan masing-masing tertekan dan terbeban.

Akan tetapi segalanya nampak indah pada cinta kedua, kerana di situlah ditemui ketenangan.

Bergaduh dengan isteri di rumah, lari kepada cinta sejati yang setia.
Luahkan segalanya kepada dia.

Dia sungguh memahami.

Tetapi suami itu terlupa bahawa hubungan cinta kedua itu indah kerana ia belum datang dengan tanggungjawab. Belum ada komitmen. Hanya cinta dan perasaan yang cantik-cantik belaka. Justeru tidak rasional untuk sang suami membandingkan cinta keduanya dengan isteri pertama di dalam rumah. Amat salah alasan suami bahawa beliau yakin kekasihnya bakal membahagiakan, tanpa meneliti akan perihal tanggungjawab yang bakal mengiringi lafaz AKU TERIMA NIKAHNYA (kali berikutnya).

Berkahwin kerana perasaan tanpa mempedulikan tanggungjawab dan bebanan, adalah kebudak-budakan yang mengundang kehinaan. Kematangan usia gagal mematangkan pertimbangan.

Baikkah perempuan yang mengambil peluang dari mehnah yang sedang membelenggu suami dan isteri itu?

Tatkala mereka berdua sedang berjuang untuk menyelamatkan sebuah bahtera dengan anak-anak yang antara timbul dan karam itu, bagaimanakah rupa hati seorang perempuan yang datang menawarkan perahu ‘penyelamat’ untuk si lelaki dengan memejamkan mata terhadap nasib perempuan dan anak-anak di dalam kapal yang terumbang ambing itu? Apakah nilai iman dalam dirinya?

Daripada Abu Hurairah katanya Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: “Jangan kamu saling berdengki, saling memuji barang untuk melariskannya, saling membenci, memulau dan jangan antara kamu yang membeli atas pembelian orang lain, hendaklah kamu menjadi hamba Allah yang bersaudara. Seorang muslim adalah saudara kepada muslim yang lain, dia tidak menzaliminya, tidak menghinanya. Taqwa itu di sini-baginda mengisyaratkan kepada dadanya sebanyak tiga kali-. Cukuplah seseorang itu melakukan kejahatan dengan menghina saudaranya yang muslim. Setiap muslim darahnya, hartanya dan maruahnya haram ke atas muslim yang lain. (Muslim)

Apakah rasional seorang lelaki mengahwini seorang perempuan yang tiada belas terhadap seorang perempuan lain yang memiliki hati dan diri sepertinya? Bagaimana pula dengan anak-anak itu? Sungguh, tiada justifikasi terhadap perbuatan sakit menyakiti seperti ini kecuali kerana masing-masing saling memandang dengan pandangan nafsu.

Dari Abu Mas’ud Uqbah bin Amr Al Anshary Al Badry radhiallahuanhu dia berkata: Rasulullah shollallohu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda : Sesungguhnya ungkapan yang telah dikenal orang-orang dari ucapan nabi-nabi terdahulu adalah : Jika engkau tidak malu perbuatlah apa yang engkau suka . (Riwayat al-Bukhari)

Perbuatan menzalimi perempuan, apatah lagi dengan alasan-alasan agama, inilah modal yang digunakan oleh musuh-musuh Islam untuk menyabitkan penindasan Islam ke atas wanita. Perempuan sering tersepit di jalan mati, ketika lelaki bersenang lenang dengan pelbagai pilihan di tangannya yang didenifiniskan sebagai HAK, bukan lagi AMANAH dan TANGGUNGJAWAB.

Mungkin jenayah terbesar di sebalik krisis-krisis ini ialah pemahaman-pemahaman yang salah terhadap hak dan peranan dalam rumahtangga, hingga penindasan, penganiayaan dan penderaan fizikal atau emosi anggota keluarga, merebak tanpa jelas kelihatan penyelesaiannya. Hingga suami tanpa sedar menjadi male chauvinist yang dicela Tuhan.

Kaum lelaki itu adalah pemimpin dan pengawal yang bertanggungjawab terhadap kaum perempuan, oleh kerana Allah telah melebihkan orang-orang lelaki (dengan beberapa kekelebihan) atas orang-orang perempuan, dan juga kerana orang-orang lelaki telah membelanjakan (memberi nafkah) sebahagian dari harta mereka. maka perempuan-perempuan yang soleh itu ialah yang taat (kepada Allah dan suaminya), dan yang memelihara (kehormatan dirinya dan apa jua yang wajib dipelihara) ketika suami tidak hadir bersama, Dengan pemuliharaan Allah dan pertolonganNya. Dan perempuan-perempuan yang kamu bimbang melakukan perbuatan derhaka (nusyuz) hendaklah kamu menasihati mereka, dan (jika mereka berdegil) pulaukanlah mereka di tempat tidur, dan (kalau juga mereka masih degil) pukulah mereka (dengan pukulan ringan yang bertujuan mengajarnya). kemudian jika mereka taat kepada kamu, maka janganlah kamu mencari-cari jalan untuk menyusahkan mereka. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Tnggi, lagi Maha Besar. [Al-Nisaa' 4: 34]


Dan di antara tanda-tanda yang membuktikan kekuasaan dan rahmatNya, bahawa Dia menciptakan untuk kamu (wahai kaum lelaki), isteri-isteri dari kamu sendiri, supaya kamu bersenang hati dan hidup mesra dengannya, dan dijadikannya di antara kamu (suami isteri) perasaan kasih sayang dan belas kasihan. Sesungguhnya yang demikian itu mengandungi keterangan-keterangan (yang menimbulkan kesedaran) bagi orang-orang yang berfikir. [Al-Room 30: 21]

Mawaddah itu adalah cinta yang terhasil, kesan dari usaha menyemainya di dalam jiwa antara suami dan isteri. Mawaddah hanya ada antara suami dan isteri, sebagai cinta yang diperjuangkan dalam sebuah rumahtangga. Segala susah payah yang diharungi dengan jiwa memberi oleh suami dan isteri menyuburkan mawaddah ini…

Tidak mudah untuk saya ungkapkan hal ini. Ia lebih kepada usaha meredakan keresahan diri tatkala beberapa kes dengan plot dan jalan cerita yang sama, mendatangi kehidupan.

Kepada sang suami, isteri dan isteri atau bakal isteri, pulanglah kepada Allah sebagai hamba-hamba-Nya. Hamba yang tidak pantas bercakap tentang HAK, kerana kehambaan itu hanyalah pada tanggungjawab, memberi dan berperanan…

Tagging Miss ET

1. 7 facts about me/ fakta tentang saya:
-i work hard, save hard, shop hard!! (ade ke org mcm tu? me!!)
-i dont like to be mad and angry and marah tak tentu pasal, but it occurs to me ever so often
-everyone knows that i love pink, sometimes i'm sick of it
-despite the easier route, i love to challenge myself and take the harder ones
-when i shop, i'm fickle so my wardrobe's so full, my shoe collections is overloaded but i still buy new ones to collect more dusts
-i love romantic comedies, love stories anything lovey dovey, (eventhough sometimes i dont believe in happy endings which i always hope for) but i enjoy serious readings too
-i talk a lot (sometimes to myself, yes i'm a weirdo) but sometimes i dont like talking at all and lock myself in the room, if im not in the mood.

2. 7 things that scares me/perkara menakutkan saya di dunia:
(sorry ET, but we have same concerns)
-the world ends when i have so much that i havent done
-not being able to balas budi my parents
-marriage life? and getting Divorce? its a trend now, and i'm no trend follower
-Death of loved ones i.e family, friends
-Accidents that may affect my life
-What the future beholds with negativity that surrounds us (war and natural disasters)
-Qiamat/ Alam Barzakh

3. 7 current fave songs/lagu buat mase sekarang :
-Fall for you by Secondhand Serenade
-Can I have this dance by HSM3
-Tercipta Untukku, Cintahati's version
-Kekasih Gelapku, Cintahati's version
-When you look me in the eye by Jonas Brothers
-Lucky by Jason Mraz and Colby Caillat
-Wanita by Dato Siti Nurhaliza

4. 7 things i always say/perkara selalu di sebut :
-i love u
-lunch nak makan kat mane?
-Nak air suam
-ngok ngek kpale kemek
-tau takpe tempe tanak

5. 7 things i treasure most/perkara yang amat bernilai :
-family (duh!)
-health & beauty
-handphone :)
-my clothes,accessories, hijab, makeups, books
-my office, my job

6. 7 first time in my life/pertama kali dalam hidup saya :
-First concert, concert Ella ngan Papa n Mama n Dosh, We're rockxtars ok!
-First laptop, i'm waiting for my Pink Vaio
-First job, receptionist (part time) Finance Exec (current position)
-First drive, last 3 years (late driver, since i collected the accidents statistics to avoid driving)
-First nephew/niece, 2years old? since my niece/nephew is 2 years younger than me
-First acne/pimples, when i was 13 through highschool and till now. It's hard to maintain flawless skin. I'm happy with my skin now, thank you
-First flower, from Pa n Ma for my bday. it was a bouquet of white roses dyed to blue

7. 7 lucky people to continue the tag/orang bertuah sambung tag:
Kak M
Lil Miss Kechik
Queen Rania of Jordan,
Dato Siti Nurhaliza
Kimora Lee Simpson
(boleh ke?)

Monday, November 24, 2008

PGL the musical 3

This coming February 2009, Enfiniti pays tribute to LOVE, and celebrates valentine's month with the story of the legendary love of the heroic warrior Hang Tuah and the mythical princess of Gunung Ledang.

Envy me, green-eyed monsters. I bought tickets to watch it at discounted price. 1 for Edros, Elly, Mal, and i. How sweet, right? We'll be watching it on the lovely evening of 14th february 2009. Even if i don't celebrate Valentines, cos i celebrate LOVE anytime i want, i'm watching it with the people i love. Yay!!!.

Puteri Gunung Ledang is about the tragic romance between a spirited princess and a legendary warrior, set in the kingdom of Majapahit in ancient Java and the Sultanate of Malacca in the 15th century. Puteri Gunung Ledang The Musical tells the legendary tale of Puteri, the princess, who yearns for true love.

Her brother, Gusti Adipati, the ruler of Majapahit, however, has different concerns. His kingdom is under threat of invasion by Demak, a neighbouring kingdom. He enlists the help of the Sultan of Malacca who arrives with an entourage led by His foremost warrior, Laksamana Hang Tuah.

Puteri and Hang Tuah fall in love and promise to be together on Mount Ledang after Tuah's mission to Demak. Unable to bear the long separation, Puteri decides to wait for her beloved on Mount Ledang. Little does she know that she has been betrothed by her brother to the Sultan of Malacca in exchange for Malacca's protection. The Sultan of Malacca orders his loyal and faithful warrior Hang Tuah to lead the delegation to Mount Ledang to ask for Puteri's hand in marriage.

Be moved to tears as the star-crossed lovers are torn in dilemma of love, loyalty and sacrifice. Set against a dazzling backdrop of breathtaking sets, costumes, music and choreography.

So what do you think? It's my second time for PGL the musical and i'll be having so much fun. I bet you wouldn't want to miss it too. Hurry clickety click at and get your hands on these tickets!


Don’t panic! I have a story, strictly fiction. Let’s just name them Mr. X and Ms X. Okay?

Mr. X and Miss X are friends. They tried dating but it did not last long since Miss X is not particularly interested in Mr. X despite his charming personality and his outstanding family background. She wanted more than that. She wanted love. However, they remained friends. Until present, Mr. X had been dating a beautiful woman with a kid (divorcee or widow I’m not sure), since. The thing is Mr. X’s mother and family disapproves their relationship especially of her status, reputation and culture differences. Mr. X’s parents is in need to get their son back as it seems that Mr. X’s girlfriend has a great negative effect in his life – I’m not sure voodoo or no voodoo, I’m no judge.

Due to these desperate measures, Mr. X’s mother and sister had been searching for ways to ‘help’ their beloved Mr. X. They have tried spoiling him with riches, offering him anything he wants and even consulted religious people for help. The last resort was to wed him with a young woman, not of his choice and definitely not Mr. X’s girlfriend.

Recently, Mr. X’s sister found great news when she heard that Miss X and Mr. X were friends. She thought it would be a perfect idea to tell their mother to wed Mr. and Miss X, instantaneously. Unfortunately, Miss X has a serious relationship and she would not possibly sacrifice her love and feeling for the riches and all materials he could provide.

Should Miss X sacrifice her love?
Should she choose to help her friend over her love?
Should she put other’s interest over hers?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

High School Musical 3

Believe it or not, i'm not a High School Musical or HSM in short junkie but yesterday i had to. I don't regret a single bit nor am i making a fuss out of it since its mostly for young people or teens and definitely not me (not to say i'm old) but i love musicals a lot, so why not? I ended up having so much fun watching HSM, and seriously i felt 5 years younger or maybe 10. Erk! Well it does not mean when you reach some certain age you have to ban all the songs, bands or movies you love to love when you were a kid right?

I used to dance to any video clips available. BSB , N Sync, Spice Girls, you name it! We'll (me, sister and cousin) have the video tape (then!) and pause and rewind and forward until it gets so jammed. It's so much fun and i don't need to go for gym or aerobics cos its definitely a workout. Don't you guys do it? If yes, you know what i mean if not, you guys really missed childhood when the pop music was such a hit! When everyone loves Nick Carter and JC Chasez for their babyface cute looks, i chose AJ and Justin Timberlake, just cos they're different.

Ok back to HSM, throughout the movie i really wished that i am Gabriella (Vanessa Hudgens) or Sharpay (Ashlyey Tisdale) or just any of the extra dancers available. It was so much fun. Plus among all the stick-thin pretty girls, there was this chubby cheerleader who danced so well. She was so good! Usually to relate HSM we'll definitely talk about tthe famous couple, Zac and Vanessa but what we had overlooked is Ryan and Kelsi, the cute quirky choreographer and musician item. I thought they were so cute and talented even without the spotlight on them. I'm not ignoring the fact that Ms Hudgens and Mr Efron were underestimated by me,but they really worked hard to pull each scene together!

So i'm urging you guys to re-discover the kid in you and watch High School Musical 3. If you're to shy, get a copy of the DVD and watch it alone, (You can definitely skip the cute corny part, if you want to) You'll totally agree with me :)

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Traumatic as it sounds, i was traumatized by yesterday's incident. I could've lost my 2 brothers. Not exxagerating here and not funny at all. I'm not really in the mood for blogging as i have a 2pm appointment for my monthly body treats. Perhaps tomorrow.

Whatever it is, if it's gonna rain, please avoid going to the beach. Please. Thank you!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Childhood memories

Childhood memories.

Do you have any of them? Definitiely tonnes of the good and bad ones. Well, today, over lunch i remembered this memory when Edros and i were a kid and we had to attend the Qur'an classes in the morning. Then, Iqmal was still a baby. Probably 1 or 2 years old. Everyday, before leaving the house, Papa would have to take him with us for a ride before we could actually head for our classes and Papa to his office. Iqmal had this thing if he's mad, he'll head to the frdge, grab an egg and let it go. Splat on the floor.

I thought it was cute and funny though. So i chose to share. :)
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hungry Cash point

Cash point? ATM machine/teller whatever you call it it's just the same.

Last few days, Elly ad i went to Queensbay to get our Monopoly set, due to boredom, and i wanted to get some cash at the ATM machine nearby Jusco. So the normal rituals of pressing buttons and pin numbers, i patiently waited for my cash.

After 10 minutes, not a single RM50 note came out. So i guessed the machine was fasting and was too hungry that it ate my card. I called the Customer service and they asked me to check with the bank. Bad news is, its a standalone machine and they asked me to wait for the next 3 days for them to get it.

My ATM card had been loyal to me for the past 7 years, so i thought i might just change the new one but to get a new card is another RM12. Just smile and wave boys, like Skipper says. So now i have a brand new chilli red card. Yum yum!

Married life

Its is pure jinx that i read Mommy Ain's log and she was telling about how beautiful married life is despite the normal mishaps in her everyday life. Then when i went home, i watched a movie (i'm not sure if its old or new) by the title "Married Life" starred by Ex-Bond Pierce Brosnan. A nice movie about a man in his 50's who has another woman in his life after many years of marriage with the reason that his wife loves him for sex and nothing more while the other woman loves him for his romantic self. Whatever.

So in the movie, the man tried to kill his wife by poisoning her as to wed his young and pretty girlfriend (played by Rachel McAdams) but in the end was scared to lose his dear love as the new girlfriend had been 'saved' by his friend (Pierce Brosnan) as to protect his friend's marriage (how noble? if only there's a lot of friends as he is).

So in between the movie, i was being insecure but in a cute way (perasan sket kat sini, maaf ye) so i SMS-ed Him for his opinions. Here's part of the text:

Sayangness: will you still hold me when we sleep at night even when we're old?
Him: Bistu u ingat i nak tido ngn sape?
Sayangness: Will you still kiss me even if i takde gigi?
Him: I will bcoz time tu i pun takde gigi gak. so we r even. haha
Sayangness: *laughing* sampai tergolek-golek

I know it's corny in its own way, but thankfully i feel much secured by his statements. Thank you! InsyaAllah i will love you till the the end!
[updated 180809]

Write 'em off

I could not agree more when i read this, its about the world of television characters and personalities which is a complex one. There are those we adore, others we love to hate, and still those who shock us, surprise us, and keep us coming back for more week after week. But there's another troublesome category -- made up of both fictional characters and all-too-real reality buffoons -- who just seem to suck the life out of what is otherwise a perfectly pleasing show. Whether they're annoying, a complete snooze-fest, or simply too self-absorbed to sit through, they've got one thing in common: They've got to go. Here are the list of the top five TV faces we'd write off if only we could. Continue reading at
Maybe you couldnt agree more!

Bunga-bunga cinta (Flowers of love)

Congrats, congrats to Mr and Mrs Sinclair (Bunga Citra Lestari). I tooked this picture from God knows where as i thought it looked so vintage. So pretty the both of them. Seriously i have nothing against them. So as i browsed through their website at How cute, kan? B for Bunga and Ash for Ashraf jadi laa Bash.

At the website i browsed more pretty pictures and as funny as i sound i totally fell in love with their idea. Balik kampung something something. And here's a clip of their wedding at The Saujana, Subang I'm so proud (tak pasal-pasal ) cos i've been to Saujana and i thought it's the perfect place to do as its more secluded and private and the ballroom, definitely a heartthrob!

The newlyweds were in beautiful tux and Bunga in a dress with cape-like veil. How cute is that? Simple yet so chic. They also entertained their guests with my personal fave song, Aku dan dirimu. Again, a great idea (after Dato Siti's idea) of singing your wedding song yourself. Except that i thought Cintahati would do the honor and not yours truly or else drops of rain will fall!!

So, before i perasan and berangan tak tentu pasal, again, congrats to Ashraf Sinclair and Bunga Citra Lestari!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hail the fashion goddess

As much as I dislike media attention whore Lindsay Lohan, it seems as if her pathetic drunken binges, drug abuse and ankle-fit alcohol detection devices rang in a new trend. That of anklets. Bizarre, but if it gets Chanel to create the eyebrow-raising 2.55 Ankle Bag, there must be something to it. A fad that will pass as quickly as it came.
Chanel Anklet in Gold, $1,325.

I thought it was so impossible to wear especially with hijab. Even if im not, i wouldn't wear it at my ankle! Imagine how you need to bend down to get it everytime you need to get some change or maybe your phone vibrates, if you put your cell instead of coins. Think???

But thank god for English model Agyness Deyn who made an appearance at the private party at the Chanel Boutique Dover Street Market dressed from head to toe in Chanel. The supermodel was wearing the latest and greatest from the house, including the Chanel Anklet in Red (which she wore on her arm) and the limited edition Chanel Union Jack quilted bag, £835 (above).

Swordfish saves the day

Today, due to Cintahati’s ever-loving sweetness, I’d like to share a story with you. It was so funny, that everytime I think about it, I’ll laugh for at least the next 5 minutes. Hope you had a good laugh too.

It happened last week when I was in Johor Bahru for work. The normal water sampling yada yada. We started early; everyone was in the mood for work. We laughed our hearts out throughout the journey from Kualiti Ceria’s office to Tanjung Pelepas (about 30minutes drive). Upon arrival, we had breakfast and swallowed a little bitter pill to avoid water sickness (is that what you call it?) Whatever it is, I don’t want to throw up doing my thing on boat, and I know it’s definitely not fun being sick. So I had to take the medicine every time I go on boat even though it makes you sleepy the first 30minutes. [Note: Please get the medicine if you plan on taking the boat, ferry or such]

So after a while of boat-riding, we arrived at the spot (advised by Mr. GPS as we need an exact reading of the location) so we started to throw the Ekman grab for the sediment sample. When the boys pulled it up, they noticed that there’s a malfunction. To say the least, the next hour was spent repairing it on boat, the nomad way. Such chaos! “Tu la, sape suruh gelak je dari tadi, kan dah kena!” is all I can think of.

To make it more dramatic, when the apparatus was ready to do its job, Roro started doing the Phytoplankton and Zooplankton sampling. Another tragedy happened when the net was stucked to the boat’s fan. The boatmen even wanted to dive and get it out, but by the time he was in his diving costume, and got the torn net and there’s nothing left to dive for.

Due to the drama that was happening, everyone was exhausted, moody and I was easily agitated. I sat outside the boat, alone, while he smoked his way out of depression. He was stressed about the net and could not get it out of him since he was responsible for it but Edros said that things were to happen and nothing can be done but to get a new one. So I was okay with it as the net wont cost more than 10 grants would it?

So since both of us were not in the mood, me, being super-agitated with his stress-ness tried to make him relax but turned out fighting and screaming our hearts out (I’m definitely exaggerating), we got into a fight with no reasons at all. Then as we were heading back towards the jetty, the next 20minutes was pure silent between the two of us until I saw a swordfish, in and out of the water.

I was amazed and excited that I wanted to shake him and ask him to look what I saw and since we were ‘not’ talking, I didn’t. I kept it to myself. But Cintahati, quickly turned to me and said “Did you see that? I turned back just to make sure the swordfish was not there to stab me”. I laughed. I thought it was funny that he was being dramatic. But I recalled that there’s this old folk story made to a black-and-white movie “Singapura dilanggar Todak” where the villagers were stabbed by the swordfish. But luckily these Swordfishes are civilized now as Swordfish saves the day!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


It was so crazy this morning that a few “old citizens” drivers ganged up on me when I really had to drive at top speed. I was running late to pick Papa and Edros at the mechanic’s place due to some problems with the car’s battery. Then the journey from home to town, I was stucked behind old fellas driving either like maniacs or like some slow tortoise, all the way. Yes all the way! Believe it or not? I’m not kidding you now!

I’m sorry if I sound without manners. Its not that I don’t have respects for them, but they don’t respect themselves, how could they respect others? They drove so slowly yet on the most right lane. You see what I mean? I was definitely ticked off early morning especially after an episode with my newly-bought Topshop, i wore it once, top which had some color run stains and now had ended up with spots of yellow after some “intimate” moments with Mr. Clorox. Seriously, I’m pissed! Its not cheap, its freaking 100 bucks. Sigh.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Wedding card

You better read it properly, or you'll regret it. Haha.
Its definitely not my wedding card, i'm not Ariani. Rin is a friend of mine, Am's fiance who is Cintahati's friend. They'll be we wedding bells next month and i cant wait to get there. I had actually booked the flight ticket a month earlier due to excitement.
For the future bride, Rin i hope your wish had came true after all the things you've gone through, i wish you all the best in anything you do.

24 on 17

Today, my dear beloved friend Nur Nadira Nadzeri better know as Nad celebrates her 24th birthday at some Petronas training centre. Due to sympathy (not!), i've compiled a few clips for her, birtday songs mainly, as i'm not able to do a videoclip like ET did which i thought was brilliant! But, Nadlove, if you're reading this, you have to turn on all the clips and you'll know why?! Everything resembles you. Haha!

This one's from Mariah Carey since i remembered those days when we sang her songs together :) but she sings the birthday song for Muhammad Ali, but what the heck!

Then this one is by Beyonce at her concert, somewhere, singing for a 15 year old girl in pink. You're not 15 and you're definitely not wearing pink now, i think!

The orang utan looked so cute singing the Birthday song so i didnt want to leave him behind. Chomel kan? No he definitely doesn't look like you un less you feel like there's resemblances-lah. Don;t be mad ok cos you need to play the last clip.

There you go, a nice birthday song for you. How do you like it? Hehe, Nad we've got a date this 29th November, no more excuses ok!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

I kill for Kiehl's

Last year on my 'graduation' trip to Singapore, while shopping, i passed by a shop that was so minimal yet so chic. They had a skeleton greet me. When i browsed through, i find it so interesting and so environmental-friendly. Something like the BodyShop (the thing is, i cant use BodyShop's facial care as it does not suit me). The Kiehl's girls in white labcoats handed me a few samples for testers and i thought it was a great idea for me to 'experiment' with my skin (since the brand would be new to my skin, you always need to do a patch test to ensure the suitability of its contents to your dear skin).

After a few tries, it didn't cause any irritations, i felt better and i thought it was a great thing to be hooked up with Kiehl's. Since i stopped going for facials, i might as well invest in some good money for some good products. I want to maintain flawless skin without the monthly visit to the beautician. Its extra money since you pay for the service and you'll have to purchase their expensive products on top of it, which might or might not work. The monthly 'extractions' the term they use to push out the blackheads had caused open pores to mine so i would not want to prolong the effect, too.

Sad thing was, i had to buy in Singapore since Kiehl's have not reached our shores,then, and i thought of not getting it since it'll be a hassle if i finish the bottle and need replacements and what not. Then after less than 3 months of 'thinking', it was already in KL, so i excitedly visited Kiehl's at Pavillion and, my, was i happy to get my facial care there. I had the Yerba Mate range (facial cleanser, the toner and moisturizer) and also the Ultra Protection Water-Based Sunscreen SPF 25. It was not as expensive as the others i've tried, and i thought it was reasonable enough to pay MYR350 per set (Yerba Mate cleanser at MYR85, toner at MYR110 and moisturizer at MYR50).

The herbal Yerba Mate products, is suitable for all skin types. Formulated with an extract derived from Yerba Maté, an extraordinary South American herb, to help maintain a healthy-looking, youthful vivacity. Enriched with this uncommon herbal tea extract, our lightweight, foaming cleanser gently, yet effectively removes excess oil and residue to help reveal skin's natural radiance.

The Yerba Mate sounds fun to me and the moisturizer and sunscreen is not sticky like some others i've tried. So two thumbs up for Kiehl's. During purchases, Kiehl's will offer you 3 random samples for you to tryout other products, which i thought was a golden idea for me to test out more of their products. How cool is that?

Then again, till today, their 'golden' idea, had made me a Kiehl's collector. Every visit to KL i would definitely visit Kiehl not because their product doesn't last long, they do (my Yerba Mate facial cleanser had lasted for the past 9 months) but i just had to get other products, to buy something new or re-stocking. I was interested in most of the products but i can't be too greedy, can i?

After the Yerba Mate range, i slowly collected one product at a time and last 2 weeks when i had the Water Quality Workshop at Marriot Putrajaya, we stopped for Pavilion, but this time Kak M and Roslee was there too, and like any other time, i'll definitely stop by my face's fave shop, Kiehls. This time, I got myself the Brightening Botanical collection; the Spot treatment, cleanser as well as the moisturizer. So that makes me Kiehl's crazy.

Then again, last Friday when we stopped by Pavilion from JB, Elly wanted to get her own Kiehl's range, perhaps after envying my less-blemished skin, she finally got her facial care, the Blue Herbal Treatment for blemish-prone skins. The whole set costs only at RM425 inclusive of the cleanser, toner, moisturizer, spot treatment and sunscreen. And i'm definitely sure its worth buying since it'll last more than 6 months (usually more). That means MYR71 per month, MYR2.37 per day and MYR1.18 per use. How good is that? So the next Kiehl's visit, i'm definitely getting Cintahati that!

In the future i'll definitely try more of their products, perhaps all of it since i've tried most of the samples which works like a magic wand. I'm sorry i can't specify 1 particular item that i love as each product i have, i will never leave it behind. To those of you whose a Kiehl's-user, i know u're with me and those who wants to try, get the mini-bottles and try, u'll know what i mean. If u get the facial care, please do not leave he spot treatments and sunscreen behind!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

its showtime!

This weekend had gone on a green light. Everything on the go. From Penang to Putrajaya to Melaka. I had to actually catch on my breath once in a while so last Friday, brother and i along with Yoyo and SR went to catch the (Bond song playing) yes, James Bond, Quantum of Solace. I'm not a heavy movie lover, the serious once are usually on the bottom shelf mostly. But this one is a must see, basically cos (1) its BOND movie, (2) Daniel Craig's in it and (3) the Bond girl is super, i even thought of kissing her. haha not in that way but like WOW she's a hottie. And it never often that a Bond girl has a stunningly short hair like hers.

Then, yesterday, again another movie, but its MADAGASCARRRRRRR!!!! That's how my brothers, the lil ones and Alia and Aiman my niece and nephew reacted when i told that i was taking them to the movies. It was way to crazy having 4 kids in a big mall for a movie. Total chaos. But i wore a dress just so people won't mistaken me for a mother with 4 kids. Then i made sure there's lots of food for storage just in case they talk inside the cinema asking for popcorns and chocolates. We totally enjoyed the movie even though Alia couldnt sit in place.

After movies, just for treats, we had early dinner at McDonalds since they have the Madagascar toys with purchase of the Happy Meal. So i bet those kids had fun on their movie day out and so did i! Once again a little girl.

We like to move it, move it!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

tagged by marlissa musa

i've been tagged by my dear friend, Marlissa. Seriously, im not sure what i should do when tagged, so i gues, i'll have to answer these few questions since Cik Mar kite kaypo bout my love life. haha :) no offence but "saye berbesar hati untuk menjawab" since there's nothing much i could do when im in no mood to work.

1) When first time you meet him/her?
The first time? 12 years back. He is a friend of my brother and we started being friends since. We're our first love.

2) What do you feel?
Feelings? Well, i was a kid but and after years of ups and downs, self-searching, dreamcatching and all that, we became closer, and much closer and thats when we finally vowed to be more than friends.

3) What you feel right now?
Now? I wished i had him way earlier when we first met years back. I have this unxplainable feelings towards him.

4) If your enemy do anything that you hate, what you will do first?
Enemy? i have enemies ke? i thought we have enemies if we're unkind to others. i dont think i've been unkind to anyone.

5) Give 5 characters that have at you.....
- im a shopaholic but i can save up money as much too. weird kan?
- im so fickle and indecisive but once i make a decision i keep to it.
- i put my whole when doing something. when i say i'll do something, i'll give my fullest attention
- im hopelessly romantic, even my mom knows that!
- i keep my feelings to myself, i may look hard but a softie inside

6) If he/her have broke your heart, what your action?
nothing. nothing that i'll do. haha but probably grab the samurai in my living room and stab him to death. violent tak?

7) What character you like toward him/her?
him? i know he's gonna read this and kembang tak tentu pasal
- he knows what i like and dislike.
- he is as hopelessly romantic as i do, so two thumbs up (he doesnt admit he's a romantic)
- he understands and respects me as who i am and what i am
- he still wants to learn about me even after all these years
- he loves me sincerely

8) Who is the name of no.1?
The Almighty, my family and Him. Theres no such thing like the 1

9) If your lover become your enemies, is it you will hate him/her?
Like i said earlier, i'll stab him to death and get his heart and keep it in a glass

10) The most memorable thing he/her had done to you?
Memories, there are thousands. U might find it in the blog

11) The most thing that he/her have said to you?
I love u, i miss u yayang

12) To the person that always support to you?
To my family, i love you beyond my life itself. But since this is mainly bout him, well, i may not be the perfect person you've ever met, i may not be a pretty and beautiful and have soft and fair skin like any other girl, i may not look the best at times, i may not be at my best behaviour and say the worst at times, i may not be the best person you've ever known, i may do things you dont like me too and i may not have a good past behind me but with you by my side, you've put my life back to its own place, you've painted my black and white life with beautiful colours and you've filled it with your love most importantly. You taught me how to forgive and forget, you've taught me to be sincere, to give and take. Thus, nothing would take my love away from you as my heart only beats for the ones i love. :) How's that?

15) 5 people to tag:
Kak Muhaini


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Life & Cinta

Bila kita di atas, Tuhan terus menguji,
uji kekuatan kita, menduga kekuatan kita,

Kalau iman kita kukuh, kita bertahan
Kalau iman kita lemah, kita terus jatuh.

Betul kata orang,
hargai apa yang kita sayangi bila mereka di depan mata,
ucapkan sayang semasa mereka di sisi,
sekurang-kurangnya mereka tahu yang mereka dihargai.

Kalaulah menatap itu boleh merubah masa,
tetapi ketentuan Tuhan itu sangat adil,
namun perjalanan harus diteruskan.

Kekadan salah dan silap itu adalah kurniaan yang paling berharga,
mengajar kita untuk melangkah dengan lebih berhati-hati,
dan bila kita melangkah perjalanan yang kita impikan.

Jangan sesekali pandang ke belakang,
kerana, masa silam akan merubah rasa hati,
dan perubahan itu merubah dunia kita,
dan kita akan gagal.

Biarpun sakit untuk menerima,
namun kita harus kuat
dan aku,
aku juga akan teruskan hidup
dan tak akan pandang belakang.

Tak guna menunding jari,
tak ada sesiapa yang mampu mengubah,
kita hanya kita sendiri.

p/s: from now on, Mr Boyfy is known as cintahati :)

under my umbrella

Rihanna is finally stepping into her bikins and sunbath in our shores. She'll be singing for us as well, yup. Rihanna's concert is happening on the 13th of November. Sadly, it will not be in KL but Singapore Indoor Stadium. Close enough but i'm not sure myself if i would be able to sing out of tune and dance along Disturbia with her in Singapore since i'll be so busy doing my job in JB. Haha, too close to not go, right? :) Just when i thought life couldnt be much better with her concert. Well, if she sings loud enough then i'll be able to hear her from JB or else lets just hope she'll come by again.

Here are the details for those who plan to be under her umbrella, please shut up and drive:

DATE : 13 Nov 2008 Thur, 8PM

DURATION : Approx 90 Mins

VENUE : Singapore Indoor Stadium

TICKET PRICE (Exclude Booking Fee) : Standard - S$225, S$185, S$150, S$125, S$95


Multi-platinum MTV and Grammy award winning artist, Rihanna, will be bringing her hits to Singapore this coming November to complete her quest for world domination!

Performing for the very first time here, this talented Barbadian singer is ready to wow the audiences with her signature catchy hits and sexy dance choreography with elaborate stage outfits.

Having sold over 12 million records worldwide, including chart-topping songs such as, Pon De Replay, SOS, Unfaithful, Umbrella, Don't Stop The Music and the latest single, Disturbia, which charted in top 10 in several countries, this show is guaranteed to keep fans rockin' to the tunes.

So what are you waiting for? Get your tickets and experience this R&B/Pop phenomenon now!

This is one great performance you definitely do not want to miss!

Another world class event brought to you by Midas Promotions

I want to gooooooooooooooooooooo....