Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Lili Buat Najah

Lili buat Najah by Nazurah Aishah.

Yes my current read. A Malay-titled book. A book that touches hearts. I say hearts as it did it now only to me, but also to dear ET.

I won't spoil you by revealing what's inside (Sorry!) but you'll have to experience it yourself. I'm not sure if its me being a softie but ET was touched herself. I got this book through MPHonline but you can click(on the sidebar) at Nazurah Aishah and order from the author herself.

Last night i read it before i sleep, saving the last 100 pages. I ended up waking in the wee morning to open my reading light and read, weeping till its last pages. Yes, i cried. I cried badly that i have a swollen panda bear eyes to go to work.

Thank you Nazurah Aishah for sharing me the experience. Hope she reads it, if ever, she drops to my blog. Thank you ET for sharing this book :)

Nazurah Aishah actually did drop in my humble blog. Here's what she said

Nazurah Aishah said...
I am touched to know that you like the book and thanks so much for sharing your thoughts here...different style of reviewing books ;)

For Adura and your Cintahati, There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved… ~ George Sand


Thank you Nazurah Aishah. Thanks again and a million more.

1 comment:

Seorang Nazurah said...

I am touched to know that you like the book and thanks so much for sharing your thoughts here...different style of reviewing books ;)

For Adura and your Cintahati,
There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved… ~ George Sand
