Sunday, October 19, 2008


18 years and still counting,
You’re officially my only sister,
You are practically my everything,
And not forgetting my boaster.
Everyday you’re there to protect me,
Through happy and sad days you’ll stick by me,
When I need you, you’re there for me,
And it is a fact that you’re protective over me.
No matter what I will always love you,
Nothing can ever change that,
Honestly, I am really missing you,
And I’ll be your sister; and that’s a fact.
I know I will be lost without you,
I miss those nights being around you,
You make my sky turn dark blue,
Goodnight and yes, I do love you.
Shopping, pictures and movies together,
All the memories we shared with each other,
I will be here for you, now and forever,
Just so you know, you’re my awesome sister!

Here's the poem sent from my sister in Melaka. I thought it was so lovely that she wrote this when she misses me (i dont know when) Guess, people will realize what you have when its gone. Hmm. Love you sis.

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